Why Quitting isn’t the Answer Has your child ever come to you and said they want to quit something? Maybe it was a board game or a homework assignment, or a project they started and weren’t motivated to finish. Maybe it was an activity you signed them up for after school;...
Category: Blog
Dance Class Etiquette At Showcase Dance Studio, we love seeing how excited our students are to practice in class! Their motivation fuels their progress, and as they gain more experience in dance, they have the potential to advance even more quickly. But this path to progress also requires developing self-control, confidence,...
Preparing for Your Child’s First Dance Class Your child’s first dance class at Showcase Dance Studio is on the calendar and it’s all your child can talk about … what they’re going to wear, who they’re going to meet, what they’re going to do. It’s seemingly endless anticipation! We know how exciting...
Understanding Level Placement At Showcase Dance Studio, we know that the progression of our class levels can sometimes be a little confusing to understand! Dance class placement can be different compared to other extracurricular activities, or to the way students progress through grades at school. We hope the information here will...
Awesome Audience Recital Etiquette As you already know, our annual recital will take place on Saturday, June 12, 2021. With the date fast approaching, we thought this would be the perfect time to share with you our tips for awesome audience etiquette! Following these tips will help us ensure an enjoyable...
Performing to Show Progress, Not Perfection “Practice makes perfect.” Chances are you’ve heard this saying many, many times in your life. (We sure have!) It’s one of the most well-known proverbs, with roots that go all the way back to the 16th century. And while we appreciate its intention, here at Showcase...
We absolutely love it when our students say they want to practice their recital dance at home. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and then everyone in the class wants to practice at home too! But as a parent, how should you go about encouraging this? Is there such a thing as too much practice? ...
The Benefits of Competition Team If your child loves dance and has expressed interest in doing more, we’d love for you to consider having them audition for our competition teams later this Spring! All of our students at Showcase Dance Studio benefit from the life skills dance develops, but for our...
Dance Costume Tips and Tricks! Now that you have your child’s costume at home, you might be wondering: What’s the best way to take care of it? This thing is full of lycra and sequins and glitter! It’s a great question (and observation) and because costumes aren’t like regular clothing, they do...
How Dance is Shaping Social-Emotional Growth You hear a lot these days about social-emotional development in children, especially how important it is for building empathy and meaningful relationships. Social-emotional skills equip our kids with the tools they need to manage their emotions, make friends, and connect to other people on a...