Dear Showcase parents and dancers,
Welcome to September! We are SO ready to start the new dance season with you!
As you may remember from last month, this season at Showcase our theme for the year is all about BELIEF. Belief is having faith in yourself, confidence in others, and understanding that with positivity, you can accomplish just about anything!
Our September Believe Challenge is for all students to believe in their own excitement and BEenthusiastic. But what does that mean exactly?
To BEenthusiastic means:
Coming to class prepared, in the correct dress code (including hair and shoes!)
Walking into class with the mindset that every day is a good day to learn and be challenged
Being on task and respectful during class time
Smiling at other students, even the people you don’t know yet
Telling your friends and family how excited you are to be dancing
Thanking your parents for giving you the opportunity to dance
We’ll be talking about these positive traits during this whole month, and we hope you’ll take this chance to discuss them at home too! Enthusiasm comes from a place of energy and joy, and we hope each one of our students will practice showing and sharing what that means to them.
Here’s to a successful start to the new season, and for all of us to BEenthusiastic!
Ms. Crystal