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Season 13 Registration

From the Desk of Ms. Crystal-August

Dear Showcase parents and dancers,

It is with great joy that we announce that registration for the new dance season is OPEN! What an incredible feeling it is to be preparing to welcome our students to our 13th year of dance!

While this year may look different in a lot of ways, there are also many things that haven’t changed one bit: We still have the same passion for dance, the same high standards of education, and the same desire to help our dancers fulfill their potential in life. Being More Than Just Great Dancing!® means we are committed to bringing MORE and doing MORE to ensure your child’s experience is a wonderful one.

Of course, one of the ways we’re doing more right now is with our safety measures. Here’s a little peek behind the curtain of how we’re proceeding safely with our dance classes:

  • We are a Safer Studio™ … This means we adhere to a hierarchy of measures for a safe studio environment, including requiring staff and students to stay home when they are ill, reinforcing hand-washing and hand-sanitizing, amplifying our cleaning practices, and making curricular and facility modifications to minimize contact and mingling.

  • We are Tech-Enabled … Our studios are equipped with the technology needed for students to choose remote learning if and when needed. Whether out of necessity or personal preference, our virtual learning platform allows dancers to learn from home without sacrificing quality or connection.

  • We are YPAD Certified … To offer you even more peace of mind, all SDS faculty have trained in safety and wellness best practices in the dance industry, including online coursework in injury prevention and supporting a dancer’s mental well-being. We also conduct background checks and are CPR certified.

Healthy minds and bodies grow at Showcase! I’m so proud of our students who will be continuing their dance education this year, and I look forward to welcoming our new students as well! This year will certainly go down in the history books, but it will also be a time of community-building and resilience-development. Our staff and students have already shown what they’re capable of in perseverance; now they are moving forward with a confidence like I’ve never seen before. We’re truly going to have an incredible year, no matter what!

Classes begin August 22nd. We can’t wait to see you soon!

With love,

Miss Crystal

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