The Importance of Dance Training During the Summer featured graphic image

The Importance of Dance Training During the Summer

The Importance of Summer Dance Training

Welcome to Showcase Dance Studio’s blog! We’re excited to introduce this new method of sharing dance advice, class tips, educational info, and more.

We’re kicking off our blog posts with an important, frequently-asked question from dancers of all ages: “Why should I continue my dance training over the summer?”

Let me first say that we do encourage our dancers to take some time off for rest and relaxation! “Family first” is one of our SDS values, and we want every dancer to have that quality time in the summer with their loved ones.

With that in mind, we also strongly recommend that dancers continue their training before and after their summer vacations. This is for two essential reasons:

Maintaining technique, strength, and flexibility

  • Preparing your body for the next dance season is a key factor in summer training! If you are looking to improve your technique, gain strength, or increase flexibility, then summer classes will help you make faster progress. Without summer classes, starting back in September after two months of no dancing can feel pretty tough because you are retraining your body to get back on track. Taking class in the summer allows you to stay physically fit and in turn, reduces your injury risk—a huge advantage!

Gaining confidence with your skills

  • The summer can be an ideal time to develop your skills in different genres of dance, giving you a confidence boost before the new season begins. For example, if you are a strong tap dancer but dread ballet class, then summer classes will give you the opportunity to embrace your inner ballerina. You’ll feel more positive and prepared for classes in the fall with that extra training. If you are looking to try a new style of dance that you’ve never studied before, then the summer presents the perfect time to give it a go without a big commitment.

Dancing in the summer is one of our favorite times of the year here at SDS! With our summer class offerings, we know there’s something for everyone and we’re happy to help you customize the summer schedule that’s right for your family. We hope you will choose to sign up and join us for another summer of powerful growth!

-Ms. Crystal

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