Tag: respect

5 results found
How Dance is Shaping Social-Emotional Growth

How Dance is Shaping Social-Emotional Growth You hear a lot these days about social-emotional development in children, especially how important it is for building empathy and meaningful relationships. Social-emotional skills equip our kids with the tools they need to manage their emotions, make friends, and connect to other people on a...

by Crystal Carfagno 3 min read
Be Disciplined

From the Desk of Ms. Crystal-January Dear Showcase parents and dancers, Welcome to the new year at SDS!  We hope you enjoyed a relaxing winter break and are ready to start 2020 off strong! As we ramp up this semester, it’s time to get started on our January Believe Challenge, which is to...

by Crystal Carfagno 2 min read
Why is the Dress Code Important?

Why is the Dress Code Important? It’s a common question to hear from dance parents and students alike: What purpose does the dress code actually serve?  We’re glad you asked! Showcase Dance Studio's dress code was established for a few very important reasons: Safety The number one factor in establishing a dress...

by Crystal Carfagno 2 min read