Tag: progress

11 results found
Growth in Dance and Life

Growth in Dance and Life As April arrives, it's a great time to reflect on the importance of growth in dance and life. As dancers, we know that growth is not only essential but also a fundamental part of our journey. We start out as beginners, learning the basics of technique and...

by Crystal Carfagno 2 min read
Pathways in Dance

Happy fall, Showcase families! There are many reasons to love fall (like a hot cup of coffee on a crisp morning, am I right?) but one of my favorites is helping our dancers settle into their classes for the new season—and many times, that means adding something new to their schedule.  There...

by Crystal Carfagno 3 min read
Dance Class Etiquette

Dance Class Etiquette At Showcase Dance Studio, we love seeing how excited our students are to practice in class!  Their motivation fuels their progress, and as they gain more experience in dance, they have the potential to advance even more quickly.  But this path to progress also requires developing self-control, confidence,...

by Crystal Carfagno 3 min read
Understanding Level Placement

Understanding Level Placement At Showcase Dance Studio, we know that the progression of our class levels can sometimes be a little confusing to understand! Dance class placement can be different compared to other extracurricular activities, or to the way students progress through grades at school. We hope the information here will...

by Crystal Carfagno 3 min read
Be Gritty

From the Desk of Ms. Crystal-July Dear Showcase parents and dancers, As I write this, my heart is positively bursting with happiness that SDS has finally been able to reopen! While things may look different for a while as we take extra measures to prioritize safety, I am thrilled that we’ll be...

by Crystal Carfagno 3 min read
Be Perseverant

From the Desk of Ms. Crystal-May Dear Showcase parents and dancers, What a whirlwind life has been these past several weeks. Social distancing, virtual dance classes, homeschooling … it felt like the world turned upside down in March! And yet, here we are, persevering and making it work. We are stronger together,...

by Crystal Carfagno 3 min read
Be Respectful

From the Desk of Ms. Crystal-March Dear Showcase parents and dancers, It’s almost springtime; can you feel it in the air!?  That means we are inching closer and closer to recital preparations!  It’s an exciting time of year that brings growth and progress, which is perfect for our March Believe Challenge to...

by Crystal Carfagno 2 min read
Why Performing is Beneficial for Your Child

Why Performing is Beneficial for Your Child As you’ve probably noticed, the team at Showcase Dance Studio has already begun talking about next year’s recital!  Even though it’s fall, our recital planning is well underway. It’s this time of year, with the buzz of recital just beginning, that parents sometimes ask...

by Crystal Carfagno 3 min read
The Summer Stride

The Summer Stride Summer is just around the corner and here at Showcase Dance Studio, we are putting the finishing touches on all our fantastic summer program offerings! With the current dance season winding down and the new season ramping up, you might have been wondering lately if summer dance classes are...

by Crystal Carfagno 2 min read
What Progress in Dance Looks Like

What Progress in Dance Looks Like Dance class is a lot like school in many ways: your child explores new ideas, practices skills, solves problems, and develops friendships.  Unlike school though, dance classes don’t have a new grade level every year. This can seem strange at first, but for dance education...

by Crystal Carfagno 2 min read